Micrograd Dial Wrench
Set ups are quicker and more repeatable with Microconic™. You can document the micrometer-adjust collet closure in your set up plan so it's done the same every time, regardless of operator skill and without relying on "feel".
CW10 - Micrograd Wrench 10mm
Our Micrograd™ Dial Wrench is included with the purchase of any Microconic Cartridges.
The Micrograd™ Dial Wrench provides a method of precisely setting clamping pressure on both the Microconic collets and an Microconic overgrip collets . It can be adjusted in metric increments of 0,02mm and imperial increments of .001" |
Two Sizes of Micrograd Dial
There are two sizes of Micrograd Wrench. One wrench is designed for use on the UM5 collets and the other of the UM10 collets.
How to use the Micrograd™ Dial Wrench
Insert a gage pin of the appropriate diameter. Tighten collet with Micrograd dial wrench by 2 – 4 graduations to set initial clamping force. For a firm grip on solid workpieces typically a closure of about .08mm (0.003”) is a good starting point. Experience will soon teach the best settings, and they may vary significantly for different applications based on the force required, rigidity of workpiece, and machining operation being performed.
For a complete set of instructions please see our installation procedures for more details on how to set up and replicate your clamping pressure on every machine in your shop.
Insert a gage pin of the appropriate diameter. Tighten collet with Micrograd dial wrench by 2 – 4 graduations to set initial clamping force. For a firm grip on solid workpieces typically a closure of about .08mm (0.003”) is a good starting point. Experience will soon teach the best settings, and they may vary significantly for different applications based on the force required, rigidity of workpiece, and machining operation being performed.
For a complete set of instructions please see our installation procedures for more details on how to set up and replicate your clamping pressure on every machine in your shop.
Microguide EGS Ejection Guide Sleeves
Due to the extreme opening capability of our overgrip collets , workpiece ejection must be very reliable to prevent a part from becoming stuck in the slots of the collet. Therefore we have developed the Microguide EGS™ ejection guide sleeve to prevent parts from falling inside the collet instead of ejecting into the part catcher.
EGS10-1 - 10mm Ejection Guide Sleeve
Each Microconic™ Over-grip collet is supplied with a brass Microguide EGS ejection guide sleeve blank. The Microguide EGS sleeve can be bored, drilled or machined to match the part profile and support the part and guide it for reliable ejection into the part catcher.
You will need to machine the Microguide EGS to fit your particular part setup. We suggest using programmed cycle stops while validating the production setup to make sure part ejection is reliable. |
The Microconic over-grip collet is extremely rigid and precise. If it closes onto a part wrapped with chips the collet may be over-stressed and break. It is critical that the workpiece be free of wrapped chips. High pressure coolant is recommended to blast away chips.
There are many other techniques that can be applied to keep the part clear of chips, such as chipbreaker inserts, speed/feed optimization, chipbreaker G-code cycles and cutter path retracing, amongst others.
It bears repeating that we suggest using programmed cycle stops while validating the production setup so the operator can confirm the part is clear. Once chip control is proven reliable that won't be necessary.
There are many other techniques that can be applied to keep the part clear of chips, such as chipbreaker inserts, speed/feed optimization, chipbreaker G-code cycles and cutter path retracing, amongst others.
It bears repeating that we suggest using programmed cycle stops while validating the production setup so the operator can confirm the part is clear. Once chip control is proven reliable that won't be necessary.